Start with Why

Start with Why

AliceKeys Team

🔵 AliceKeys - The Golden Circle Approach

🟡 WHY (The Purpose - Why does AliceKeys exist?)

Managing SSH keys shouldn’t be a security nightmare. Yet, most teams struggle with:

We believe security should be effortless, strong, and built-in—not something you have to work around.

🟢 HOW (The Process - How does AliceKeys solve this?)

Instead of relying on static SSH keys or physical hardware tokens, AliceKeys uses a mobile-first approach:

AliceKeys combines the security of a hardware token with the convenience of a smartphone.

🔴 WHAT (The Product - What is AliceKeys?)

AliceKeys is a mobile-first, hardware-backed SSH key system designed for developers, DevOps, and security teams.

📌 Example Use Cases

🧑‍💻 Solo Developer – Hardware Security Without the Hassle

A solo developer wants hardware-based security for SSH keys but doesn’t want to invest in a YubiKey or similar hardware tokens. They need strong security but want a better experience—without carrying extra devices or plugging anything into their laptop.

🏢 CTO / CISO – Enforcing Secure & Non-Copiable SSH Keys

A CTO or CISO wants to ensure all engineering personnel use hardware-backed SSH keys that cannot be copied or extracted. They need centralized management, attestation, and compliance-friendly security—without distributing and tracking physical security tokens.

🌍 Remote Engineering Teams – No More Shipping Hardware Tokens

A global company with remote engineers and contractors struggles with managing physical security keys like YubiKeys. They waste time and money shipping tokens and replacing lost devices, slowing down onboarding.

🔄 Short-Term & Temporary Access for Engineers

A security-conscious company doesn’t want to give developers permanent SSH keys but needs a way to grant short-term access when necessary.

🚀 Want to try AliceKeys? Join the waitlist now 💡 Have feedback? Let us know—good, bad, or brutal!

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